The DOS’ office is going to move around Ndejje and other neighbouring places to check on students Academics during the lock down. This is so because the school has been sending students weekly work (Notes, Questions, Assigniments and Research among others), so as curb the lost time of the Covid 19 Lockdown 2021. We assume that parents have been availing the learners with necessary gargets so as to access the work Online i.e computers, smart phones etc as earlier communicated to parents when s chools were closed by the
Government. We hope the learners have made great use of their time and, thank Parents /Guardians for their continuous support to learners.
NB: Those who can’t access work from Online platforms can come to school and pick printed copies weekly at a fee of 10,000/=.
For any inquiries, Please contact the DOS’ Office.
Aidan College- Blossom Wherever Planted